Tutorial: ...Choosing References by Number ...Finding Reference Information Choosing References by Number As you probably remember from earlier in the tutorial, each reference is automatically numbered sequentially as it’s entered. Once a number has been assigned to a reference, you can retrieve that reference by using this number. The only time a number changes is when a reference with a lower number is deleted from the database or a reference is inserted into the database. When a reference is deleted, the other references in the database are moved down to fill the empty space, and their reference numbers are decremented by one. When a reference is inserted, the references after the new one are moved up, making room for the new reference, and their reference numbers are incremented by one. It’s possible to select references by specifying the number of the reference. To do this, select Choose… from the Bookends menu or from the floating palette. You see:   This is the Choose option. Here, we’re only going to examine the right side of the screen: Choices. The other buttons are described later. You enter the numbers of the references you want to select (put into the Hits List). If you want all the references, simply click the Choose All button. The references may be requested as single numbers separated by Returns, as a range of numbers separated by a dash (e.g., 4-7), or as a combination of the two. Click in the box under the word Choices and type: 3 6-8 (press Return after the 3). Now, click on the Get Choices button (or press the Enter key). You are returned to the references. Notice that instead of being on reference number 7, you’re at number 3. The Marked button is checked, and the Hits Box in the left corner of the screen now says 1 of 4. This shows you have selected 4 references, and the reference being viewed is the first of the four hits. These references are in the Hits List. Click on the Up Arrow in the Hits Box. You immediately move to reference number 6, the second of your hits. Use the Up Arrow to flip through the rest of the hits. When you’re done, hold down the Shift key and click on the Down Arrow to return to the first reference in the Hits List.   Finding Reference Information Often, you will want to find the references in a database that refer to a certain subject. When you first enter references, you enter phrases in the Keyword field that describe the reference. We can get a list of all the keywords in the database by selecting the Keywords List item from the Utilities menu or, more conveniently, by clicking on the List icon next to the name of the Keyword field:   After the list is built, you see:   Highlight the keyword IBM (you can jump to it by typing I, B, M in rapid succession, or you can scroll to it and then click on it once), click on the Find… button, and the following dialog appears:   You can specify only ONE category (or all categories) to search for the information. Notice that the Keywords field is selected. That’s because we invoked Find from the Keywords List. Now, let’s look at the top of the screen. Here, you’re given the option of finding: • word beginning with… Finds references only when the search word matches the beginning of a word in the target field. • characters… Finds the search word anywhere in the target field. • word… Finds the search word only if the entire set of characters matches. • whole word… Is similar to word, but spaces are included in the search; this means the entire set of characters (including the spaces) must be a match. • string… Uses the same match criteria as characters, but spaces must match as well. At the bottom of the Find dialog, there is a button Put matching references in the Hits List. If you want the references that are “found” put in the Hits List, check this button (if it is checked, uncheck it now). Click the Find button. The sixth reference is displayed. If the Keywords List is in front of the reference, click on the reference to bring it to the front. It has IBM as one of its keywords. Clicking the Find Next icon (in the upper right-hand corner) displays the seventh reference. Click on the Find button in the reference display again. This time, check the button Put matching references in the Hits List in the dialog box. Now after you click on the Find button in the dialog box you will see:   Note that the Hits Window is shown sorted by Authors (indicated by an underline under the word Authors). To sort by Date or Title (without sorting the actual order of the Hits List, only the display in the Hits Window), click on the appropriate heading:   To sort the Hits Window in descending order (i.e. “B” sorts before “A”, and “1997” sorts before “1987”), click on the heading a second time. In this example, clicking on the Title heading twice will cause the list to be sorted by titles in reverse alphabetical order.